Philip S. Bargin, Jr from Monrovia, Liberia is our Global Citizen awardee

Today we shine a light on an emerging social entrepreneur, a Global Citizenship Education Advocate (GCED), and a Change-maker name Philip S. Bargin, Jr.

Philip S. Bargin, Jr. is a young Liberian, a tech enthusiast and the Executive Director of Innovation Hub Liberia (iHub Liberia); a newly established firm that conducts corporate and individual training for people and organizations seeking to learn IT-related courses at an affordable price. His firm also offers free Orphan mentorship; as a social impact program, for orphans to grow their computer skills and contribute to societal growth which Includes affordable one-on-one computer training for busy folks in an effort to increase computer literacy in Liberia. He works as a Wireless Technician at the Liberia Telecommunication Corporation (Libtelco) and a part-time instructor at the Starz University formerly called Starz College of Science and Technology.

With the passion and anxiousness to learn and serve others, he started volunteering at the West Africa RFID Solutions and Natural Resource Management Incorporated (WARM Inc.) as an IT Specialist in October of 2018. He completed his high school studies at the Ganta United Methodist School (GUMS) in 2014. And is currently a graduand of Starz University expecting to obtain a bachelor’s degree in Information Technology with an emphasis on System Administration. In 2018, he received the Liberian Research and Development Network (LRDN) prestigious National Academic Excellence Award along with other young Liberians across the country. He also holds several certificates in Leadership, Business and Information Technology. Philip is a passionate, committed, and proud United Methodist exhibiting the fear of God and expressing the willingness and openness to meet and learn from everyone. Moreover, he engages in Youth empowerment, community service advocacy, etc. Philip is hard-working, and a Team player.

“Board of Director: Today we openly recognized your achievements and contributions to society for the betterment of your belove country”



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